As the ranks of our lawyers have grown steadily more diverse, the need to balance professional demands with personal responsibilities has become increasingly acute. Of particular concern is support for our lawyers who have, or are planning to have, children. 

The Working Parents Affinity Group was created to address the issues these lawyers face through ongoing group dialogue, internal networking opportunities and outside events. 

Issues addressed have included: 

  • Financial and estate planning for families
  • Elder care
  • Career development and advancement
  • Child care
  • Parental leave
  • Flex time
  • General parenting advice

Part-Time and Leave Policies

Open to all lawyers, the firm’s part-time and child care leave policies are both generous and flexible. Any lawyer can, for any reason, request a part-time schedule. All lawyers are able to take leave in connection with a birth, adoption or foster care placement — and can follow that leave with a reduced work schedule on a long-term basis. Many of our lawyers have taken advantage of these benefits and subsequently built long and fulfilling careers with us.

Networking and Social Events

The firm hosts periodic internal events for our working-parent lawyers, aimed at fostering a sense of community through ongoing networking opportunities.

Work-Life Resources

The firm provides free off-site backup emergency child care to all employees, and has a devoted room for nursing mothers and other personal uses.

The Attorneys of Color Affinity Group is an internal resource for its members to address career growth issues through peer networking and interaction with senior partners of diverse backgrounds. With the understanding that cultural differences can affect both perceptions and realities in any workplace, the opportunity for young lawyers to consult with those who have dealt with such differences in the past has proved invaluable.

The affinity group organizes a variety of internal networking events, and members actively support law students in a number of ways, including:

  • Serving as mentors, debate coaches and judges in the firm’s efforts on behalf of Legal Outreach Inc.’s College to Law School Pipeline Diversity Program
  • Sponsoring mock interview programs and resume review workshops
  • Participating in job fairs
  • Sponsoring law student association events

The firm has an active LGBTQ Affinity Group and provides generous benefits to its employees without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity. Our LGBTQ Affinity Group sponsor social events and designs programming in collaboration with the Diversity & Inclusion team.

Kramer Levin has dedicated thousands of hours to pro bono LGBTQ-related matters. The firm served as co-counsel with Lambda Legal in the New York State marriage equality cases and has filed amicus briefs in the DaleLawrenceWindsor and Perry cases as well as more recent marriage equality cases. In 2010, the firm was co-counsel with the ACLU in McMillen v. Itawamba County School District, a case in Mississippi brought on behalf of an openly lesbian student who was denied the right to attend her high school prom with her girlfriend as her date and wearing her attire of choice, a tuxedo. Earlier, the firm represented the lesbian survivor of a Sept. 11 victim in obtaining her fair share of the Victims’ Compensation Fund award.

The firm and our colleagues have received much recognition for LGBTQ-related work, including:

  • The firm earned a perfect score on the 2025 Human Rights Campaign’s annual Corporate Equality Index.
  • Litigation associate Jason Moff was selected as one of the Best LGBTQ Attorneys Under 40 by the National LGBT Bar Association in 2014.
  • Litigation partner Jeffrey S. Trachtman was honored in June 2014 by the LGBT Rights Committee of the New York City Bar Association for his pro bono service to the LGBT community.

Kramer Levin is committed to creating an inclusive culture and embracing a widely diverse workforce. We believe that retaining lawyers and other professionals from a variety of backgrounds strengthens our ability to attract talented individuals and enhances our ability to retain and serve our clients.

As a means of advancing our firm culture and celebrating Disability Pride Month 2022, the firm launched an affinity group for employees with disabilities. All Kramer Levin employees both attorneys and staff) who identify as having a disability (whether physical or mental, chronic or temporary) are encouraged to join. This affinity group allows employees with disabilities to connect and share with one another. 

The firm is also a signatory to the ABA Pledge for Change: Disability Diversity in the Legal Profession. By signing onto the pledge, signatories demonstrate their commitment to making their workforces more diverse, specifically for lawyers with disabilities.

The Attorney Ally Resource Group explores and defines what allyship means at Kramer Levin—across identities, hierarchical levels, practice groups and offices. The group aspires to reinforce the firm’s commitment to creating a truly inclusive environment for all employees.