To help reduce delays in the payment of invoices, the French government has modified Article L. 441-9 of the French commercial code, by Ordinance N° 2019-359 of April 24, 2019, taken pursuant to the EGalim law N°2018-938 on Oct. 30, 2018. The new requirements are as follows:
Date of issuance of invoices: The French commercial code now provides that invoices shall be issued "on the date of delivery or completion within the meaning of paragraph 3, I of Article 289 of the French tax code (Code général des impôts)."
This amendment reconciles the requirements in commercial law and tax law by providing a unique date of issuance, and thus strengthens legal certainty for economic operators.
New mandatory indications: Must now be included on the invoice:
These new mandatory indications aim at reducing late payments by facilitating the processing and payment of invoices.
An administrative penalty of up to €375,000 for legal entities replaces the criminal fine in case of failure to comply with French invoice legal requirements.