Launch Your Career the Right Way
Everything about the Kramer Levin Summer Associate Program is meticulously designed to give you a strong start to a successful career. From the day you set foot in our New York office, you will be treated as a practicing attorney — doing real work, learning vital skills, working side by side with some of the finest attorneys in the world. By the time you head back to school, you will understand what it is like to be a lawyer.
Learn by Doing
The Summer Program will give you insight into our firm’s distinct character in a way that no formal interview could. Every summer associate is given intensive, hands-on work, and participates in active matters — going to court, writing memoranda, sitting in on client meetings and generally doing what a first-year associate does.
Not Just Work
When you ask around about Kramer Levin, you will certainly hear about smart lawyers and high-profile matters. But you will also hear about our culture — friendly, unpretentious, encouraging of any outside interests you care to pursue.
Balancing your profession with the rest of your life is a priority within that culture, and we make this clear from the beginning. In addition to all the activities and diversions that New York City is justly famous for — and that we encourage you to take advantage of — we provide a full schedule of social events throughout the summer.
Activities for our 2024 summer program include:
- Paint and Sip
- Golf at Five Iron Golf
- Floral Arrangement Workshop with BloomAgainBklyn
- Trivia
- Hornblower Dinner Cruise
- New York Yankees Baseball Game
- Cooking Class
- Cocktail Reception at Empellon
JD/MBA Bonus
A first year associate joining Kramer Levin directly from an accredited joint JD/MBA program will receive a bonus of $15,000. A first year associate who has intervening employment between his or her JD/MBA degree and commencement of employment with the Firm is not eligible to receive any JD/MBA bonus.