On April 10, 2019, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) held a press conference to discuss its semiannual Global Financial Stability Report (the GFSR), which assesses key risks facing the global financial system. The GFSR highlights policies that may mitigate systemic risks, thereby contributing to global financial stability and sustained economic growth of IMF members.
The IMF stated that lending to highly leveraged corporate borrowers is an area of particular concern. The GFSR notes that looser underwriting standards, decreased investor protection, a higher share of weak credits and reduced subordination increase the likelihood of distress and reduce recovery rates in the event of a sudden tightening in financial conditions or a sharp downturn. The GFSR further notes that greater participation of investment funds in the leveraged loan market means that a flood of investor redemptions could lead to additional market stress. The GFSR also notes, however, that the potential spillovers from distress in the leveraged loan market to the rest of the financial system are mitigated by a number of factors, including:
The GFSR concludes that large-scale redemptions from investment funds could induce fire sales that depress prices, affecting the institutional investors holding these loans as well as the broader economy, by blocking the flow of funds to the leveraged credit market. In this event, economic activity of borrowers representing a wide range of sectors could be jeopardized because a sizable 31% of issuance is used for refinancing. The borrowers’ ability to swiftly shift to the high-yield bond market could be hampered by the relatively large size of the leveraged loan market. Further financial stability implications will ultimately depend on whether nonbanks have retained material links to banks that could amplify the impact of market disruptions on the broader financial system.
The full text of the GFSR can be found here.